Become a Community Member
The essence of Insight Chamber Players' concerts depends on our vibrant audience. We depend on our brilliant network of Insight friends and family to support our mission.
The legacy of the Arts has always been dependent on key patrons who supported artistic luminaries's voices
Your membership will directly fund:
Fair pay for high caliber musicians
Concerts for underserved communities (coming soon)
Food & drinks
Printing programs
Tickets for students

Membership Opportunities
Community Member
10$Every monthÂ- Advanced ordering privileges
- Free ticket exchanges
- Access to exclusive online content
Patron of the Arts
100$Every yearÂ- Recognition in programs
- All benefits of Community Members
- 15% discount on all tickets
Benefactor of the Arts
500$Every yearÂ- All benefits of Community Members and Patrons of the Arts
- 25% off all tickets

Maecenas Circle
Every year
All benefits of Community Members & Patrons of the Arts
Exclusive invitations to events with the Musicians
Plus one to all concerts

Become a host
Insight is eternally grateful to our hosts as they have given us exquisite platforms to share our music, and kick started our organization. It is thanks to founding hosts, Davidson Bidwell Waite & Edwin Waite and Gail Baugh & Jim Warshell that we have garnered the success we have today!
Join our phenomenal host team by sending an email inquiry below.

Sponsor a Musician
Sponsor a musician or speaker fee for a concert. Our goal is to provide tickets at a low cost to reduce the barrier for entry to enjoy classical music. At the same time, it is our priority to give our high caliber musicians and specialists fair pay. Therefore, we need your help in ensuring that this happens! A donation starting at $30 will sponsor a ticket for a local student at a partnering school.
Donate Food & Drinks
Add to the ambience of an Insight Chamber concert! Your donation of the following is welcome at any concert.
Afternoon concerts
Evening Concerts
Hors d'œuvres
Insight Chamber Players is proudly offers Marussia Mozart Liqueurs at our evening concerts.

Patron Leadership Circles
Follow in the footsteps of the great patrons of history. All benefits will be personally arranged with Insight Chamber Players

The Medici Family ruled Florence for nearly 300 years and guaranteed the rise of many fine artists and musicians. Beginning in the early baroque era, the Medici family supported composer Domenico Scarlatti and the inventor of the fortepiano Bartolomeo Cristofori. They also fostered the beginnings of the solo concerto and opera, famously trail blazed by Antonio Vivaldi, and George Frederic Handel respectively.
Consider becoming a member of the Medici Leadership Circle
$10,000 and above

The Hungarian diplomatic Esterhazy family was known in the musical world for supporting the work of Haydn who produced 108 symphonies and 68 string quartets during his life performing many of them at the Esterhaza palace.
The Esterhazy family were connoisseurs of music and gave Haydn daily access to their court musicians, allowing him to freely express his musical talents in composition and performance. Haydn even composed music for the family members to perform.
Consider becoming a member of the Esterhazy Leadership Circle
$5,000 and above
The Habsburg Family were key contributors to Viennese arts and culture and founded the Vienna Boys Choir, a world famous ensemble. They also played a center role in popularizing Baroque music and Italian opera in German speaking countries.
Notable musicians they gave their support to included W.A. Mozart, Antonio Salieri, and Ludwig van Beethoven.

Consider becoming a member of the Habsburg Leadership Circle
$2,500 and above
Feel free to ask! Or send directly to our email,
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
thank you so much!